
wix + squarespace

coded from scratch

The system that most people find themselves using for a plug-and-play system or blog, WordPress is a very extensible and modular solution that will work for most people making simple sites.

If you want a website that has a pre-built backend system and hundreds of themes without any login systems, WYSIWYG editors like Wix or Squarespace are perfect.

Lots of themes make these perfect for most.

If you are looking for a website truly tailored to your company's or organization's needs, there is no substitute to building it from the ground up.


ease of creation

login + payment systems

on call for follow-up work

Using pre-built systems such as WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix — as well as fantastic systems like Dreamweaver, Muse, Bootstrap Studio, and Pingendo - means that I can build visually, as well as have access to hundreds of libraries in Bootstrap 4, JQuery, and more.

That means turn-around-time is crazy fast.

If you need a login system for your users, or payment systems to purchase items from your store, I am happy to implement these for you so that you may better serve your customers — or even create your own email or user database.

If you ever have issues with your site, or you need SEO or advertising, feel free to contact me. Support should never stop at the creation, and sometimes new features or fixes are needed quickly from someone who's familiar with the site.


From scratch



Starting rate

Made from scratch

HTML + CSS + JS + Bootsrap 4

Designed around you

Website + Advertising


about rates

Both for discounted price

Website made from scratch

Google Ads advertising

Social media advertising

Wix / Squarespace



Starting rate

System of your choice

Payment systems built in

Uploading included




Starting rate

WordPress themes available

Modular framework

Hundreds of styles



The stylization (and, more importantly, professionalism) of your site is incredibly important in how people react to your organization; as well as their decision to shop with you, donate to you, write grants for you, hire you — or any number of interactions that you seek. Crafting a website that carefully reflects who you are (and what you do) will almost always be a necessary cornerstone of your business, bringing in thousands (or millions) of dollars more than you otherwise would have.



In building a website from scratch, I use many languages and programs to create a site that is built aesthetically, responsively, and reliably.

The use of Dreamweaver, Muse, Pinegrow, Pingendo, Bootstrap Studio, Photoshop, Experience Design (and others) allows for this, and allows me to build quickly/visually. HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, and Bootstrap are used as the underpinnings. In the case of using pre-built systems, I can have a Wordpress, Wix, or Squarespace site to you in a matter of days. Theming, font choices, color choices, and templates are all also available for these.



If you find yourself needing follow-up work, SEO, or advertisement, please feel free to contact me for anything additional. Advertisement and promotion are a strong component of making sure that your website is actually seen, and that your brand identity grows and is recognized.